Greetings my friends!
Dear hunting community,
I have been thinking about starting my own blog about hunting and other related activities for a very long time. Nevertheless I did not want to add content that would be just copying those numerous already existing ones. Also I was dreading that I may become narcissist who would be bragging about himself all the time, publishing just selfies and…. You probably know what I am talking about. Thus I was very reluctant. Nevertheless after I had few very motivating dialogues with one person “who is already in business” (of hunting blogging). Her name is Maria and she is from Slovakia (same country as me). You can find her blog here.
To move on. I realized that I have at least something to offer and I decided that I want to share that little bit of experience with you. As you already now, I was brought up as hunter in very traditionally oriented European Country, where you can find a lot of very nice conventions. But also some which are strange or complicating the life of modern hunter, but we will get to that later. Despite this, I would like to say out-loud that I am very happy that I had an opportunity to brought up in this traditional spirit and that I believe it gave ma a lot and I am even happier that I was able to learn English, travel around the world and see how hunting looks in different countries. That gave me very interesting perspective and I hope that I will be traveling more and broadening my understanding of what hunting is and what are its benefits.
Since this is my introductory blog post, I would like to let you know what you are likely to find on this page and why you should be following this web (either on facebook or here).
1. Weapons
You will definitely find a lot of information about as many weapon platforms used for hunting as will be possible. Since I am guy, you probably know that these “things” fascinate me a lot. You can not even imagine how many pellets did I shoot through my old airgun (SLAVIA 631 – old Czechoslovak airgun which is produced and sold till today). And some of you can probably rely to the moments of happiness, when my father came home from work and took out ZKM 451 in .22 LR and took me to the shooting range to shoot at targets at much longer distances. Then I moved to Brno 502 (under-over) in .222 Remington and worked my way through .243 Winchester barrels in the same rifle, and then up to Brno ZKK 601 in .308 Winchester to my current favorite all around cartridge and rifle – CZ 537 in .270 Winchester.
My newest love is re-barrelled Brno ZKK 600 in 9,3×62 Mauser. ZKK 600/601 & CZ 537 are older rifles. ZKKs are even older than me! Much older… Nevertheless they are undeniably great guns with reliable Mauser type action and I would not trade them for anything else. Since, all of them are second hand buys, I got some experience in what to look for and very successful at choosing rifles in great condition and very good accuracy. Thus, I may be able to provide you with advice which may help you to get the most bang for your buck!
I also shoot IPSC – Standard Division with my trusty (but not rusty) old CZ 75. You may get little bit of information about IPSC as well. Currently I am working on a long range VARMINT platform which would be suitable for accurate shooting up to 800, possibly 100 meters. (.308 Win). I will keep you posted about that as well.
2. Exciting accounts of hunts in Europe (and hopefully around the world)
I will be providing you with some exciting accounts of European style driven wild boar hunts, bear hunts, red deer and roe deer hunts, as well as predator hunts.
3. Gear, optics, ammunition and clothing reviews
To start with – I am not sponsored by anybody so far and I believe that I will not be for a long time to come. Thus, reviews here will be unbiased and honest. Please feel free to get in touch with me for more information.
4. Lot of articles about benefits of hunting!
I feel like being hunter is a criminal offense on its own lately. Lot of people confront me in not so polite manner after I start talking about hunting and I believe that their limited understanding of what hunting actually is needs to be “broadened”. I will try to be anti hunter friendly and not arrogant. Maybe I will be able to get some of those anti-hunters like us little more in the end.
5. Recipes for cooking delicious meals from your game
Cooking is my big hobby, and you can definitely come across some inventive recipes and ways to serve your favorite cut of venison!

6. Building better hunting community! 🙂
So welcome and I really hope you will enjoy. If you have any feedback, I will be very happy to receive it :).
Cheers and lot of happy hunting!
Hi there,
I really enjoy this blog, keep up the good work.
Thanks a lot! 🙂