About Me

My name is Matúš (but you can call me Matthew 😉 ). I am from central part of Europe – country called Slovakia. Currently I spend most of the time in Prague, Czech republic. Both of these countries have lot in common, but for me, very similar hunting culture is one of the most interesting.
Both countries have very long history of hunting and game keeping. In the past, one of the best European wild boars, roe or red dears have been harvested here. And as it was before, hunting is very popular today.
Since I come from rural area, lot of my ancestors worked in the forests. As game keepers and foresters. My father became hunter as well and thus I decided too. Strangely enough, I was not enjoying hikes and time in nature when I was younger, but when I turned 15, all changed. I started to be more and more enthusiastic about nature, forest, hiking and hunting. And this trend is still keeping with me and I am almost 100% positive, that it is one which will be with me till the end of my days.
I am candidate-member of hunting club in Čierny Balog – Slovakia, where we are according to local law using about 2500 hectares or 6200 acres for hunting purposes. We have variety of game there, but most interesting are wild boars, red deer, roe deer and big predators like brown bear and wolf.
Since I believe, that Europe and it’s hunting traditions are very interesting and there is a lot to talk about, I decided to start this blog. Hopefully you will find it as interesting as I do! 🙂
I will also write about firearms, gear and other action sports from time to time. And any suggestions are very welcome.
In case you see any wrong information, or you would like to comment, get in touch or anything, do not hesitate to contact me via contact form.